minFraud Score, Insights, Factors and Report Transaction Python API¶
This package provides an API for the MaxMind minFraud Score, Insights, and Factors web services as well as the Report Transaction web service.
To install the minfraud
module, type:
$ pip install minfraud
If you are not able to use pip, you may also use easy_install from the source directory:
$ easy_install .
Complete API documentation is available on Read the Docs.
To use this API, create a new minfraud.Client
object for a synchronous
request or minfraud.AsyncClient
for an asynchronous request. The
constructors take your MaxMind account ID and license key:
>>> client = Client(42, 'licensekey')
>>> async_client = AsyncClient(42, 'licensekey')
To use the Sandbox web service instead of the production web service, you can provide the host argument:
>>> client = Client(42, 'licensekey', 'sandbox.maxmind.com')
>>> async_client = AsyncClient(42, 'licensekey', 'sandbox.maxmind.com')
Score, Insights and Factors Usage¶
The Factors service is called with the factors()
>>> client.factors({'device': {'ip_address': ''}})
>>> await async_client.factors({'device': {'ip_address': ''}})
The Insights service is called with the insights()
>>> client.insights({'device': {'ip_address': ''}})
>>> await async_client.insights({'device': {'ip_address': ''}})
The Score web service is called with the score()
>>> client.score({'device': {'ip_address': ''}})
>>> await async_client.score({'device': {'ip_address': ''}})
Each of these methods takes a dictionary representing the transaction to be sent to the web service. The structure of this dictionary should be in the format specified in the REST API documentation. All fields are optional.
Report Transactions Usage¶
MaxMind encourages the use of this API as data received through this channel is
used to continually improve the accuracy of our fraud detection algorithms. The
Report Transaction web service is called with the report()
>>> client.report({'ip_address': '', 'tag': 'chargeback'})
>>> await async_client.report({'ip_address': '', 'tag': 'chargeback'})
The method takes a dictionary representing the report to be sent to the web
service. The structure of this dictionary should be in the format specified
in the REST API documentation. The
required fields are tag
and one or more of the following: ip_address
, minfraud_id
, transaction_id
Request Validation (for all request methods)¶
Assuming validation has not been disabled, before sending the transaction to
the web service, the transaction dictionary structure and content will be
validated. If validation fails, a minfraud.InvalidRequestError
will be raised.
If the dictionary is valid, a request will be made to the web service. If the request succeeds, a model object for the service response will be returned. If the request fails, one of the errors listed below will be raised.
The possible errors are:
- This will be raised when the server is unable to authenticate the request, e.g., if the license key or account ID is invalid.minfraud.InvalidRequestError
- This will be raised when the server rejects the request as invalid for another reason, such as a reserved IP address. It is also raised if validation of the request before it is sent to the server fails.minfraud.HttpError
- This will be raised when an unexpected HTTP error occurs such as a firewall interfering with the request to the server.minfraud.MinFraudError
- This will be raised when some other error occurs such as unexpected content from the server. This also serves as the base class for the above errors.
Additionally, score
, insights
and factors
may also raise:
- This will be raised when your account is out of funds.
Score, Insights and Factors Example¶
>>> import asyncio
>>> from minfraud import AsyncClient, Client
>>> request = {
>>> 'device': {
>>> 'ip_address': '',
>>> 'accept_language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
>>> 'session_age': 3600,
>>> 'session_id': 'a333a4e127f880d8820e56a66f40717c',
>>> 'user_agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.89 Safari/537.36'
>>> },
>>> 'event': {
>>> 'shop_id': 's2123',
>>> 'type': 'purchase',
>>> 'transaction_id': 'txn3134133',
>>> 'time': '2014-04-12T23:20:50.052+00:00'
>>> },
>>> 'account': {
>>> 'user_id': '3132',
>>> 'username_md5': '570a90bfbf8c7eab5dc5d4e26832d5b1'
>>> },
>>> 'email': {
>>> 'address': '977577b140bfb7c516e4746204fbdb01',
>>> 'domain': 'maxmind.com'
>>> },
>>> 'billing': {
>>> 'first_name': 'Jane',
>>> 'last_name': 'Doe',
>>> 'company': 'Company',
>>> 'address': '101 Address Rd.',
>>> 'address_2': 'Unit 5',
>>> 'city': 'Hamden',
>>> 'region': 'CT',
>>> 'country': 'US',
>>> 'postal': '06510',
>>> 'phone_country_code': '1',
>>> 'phone_number': '123-456-7890',
>>> },
>>> 'shipping': {
>>> 'first_name': 'John',
>>> 'last_name': 'Doe',
>>> 'company': 'ShipCo',
>>> 'address': '322 Ship Addr. Ln.',
>>> 'address_2': 'St. 43',
>>> 'city': 'New Haven',
>>> 'region': 'CT',
>>> 'country': 'US',
>>> 'postal': '06510',
>>> 'phone_country_code': '1',
>>> 'phone_number': '123-456-0000',
>>> 'delivery_speed': 'same_day',
>>> },
>>> 'credit_card': {
>>> 'bank_phone_country_code': '1',
>>> 'avs_result': 'Y',
>>> 'bank_phone_number': '123-456-1234',
>>> 'last_digits': '7643',
>>> 'cvv_result': 'N',
>>> 'bank_name': 'Bank of No Hope',
>>> 'issuer_id_number': '411111',
>>> 'was_3d_secure_successful': True
>>> },
>>> 'payment': {
>>> 'decline_code': 'invalid number',
>>> 'was_authorized': False,
>>> 'processor': 'stripe'
>>> },
>>> 'shopping_cart': [{
>>> 'category': 'pets',
>>> 'quantity': 2,
>>> 'price': 20.43,
>>> 'item_id': 'lsh12'
>>> }, {
>>> 'category': 'beauty',
>>> 'quantity': 1,
>>> 'price': 100.0,
>>> 'item_id': 'ms12'
>>> }],
>>> 'order': {
>>> 'affiliate_id': 'af12',
>>> 'referrer_uri': 'http://www.amazon.com/',
>>> 'subaffiliate_id': 'saf42',
>>> 'discount_code': 'FIRST',
>>> 'currency': 'USD',
>>> 'amount': 323.21
>>> },
>>> 'custom_inputs': {
>>> 'section': 'news',
>>> 'num_of_previous_purchases': 19,
>>> 'discount': 3.2,
>>> 'previous_user': True
>>> }
>>> }
>>> # This example function uses a synchronous Client object. The object
>>> # can be used across multiple requests.
>>> def client(account_id, license_key):
>>> with Client(account_id, license_key) as client:
>>> print(client.score(request))
>>> print(client.insights(request))
>>> print(client.factors(request))
>>> # This example function uses an asynchronous AsyncClient object. The
>>> # object can be used across multiple requests.
>>> async def async_client(account_id, license_key):
>>> async with AsyncClient(account_id, license_key) as client:
>>> print(await client.score(request))
>>> print(await client.insights(request))
>>> print(await client.factors(request))
>>> client(42, 'license_key')
>>> asyncio.run(async_client(42, 'license_key'))
Report Transactions Example¶
For synchronous reporting:
>>> from minfraud import Client
>>> with Client(42, 'licensekey') as client
>>> transaction_report = {
>>> 'ip_address': '',
>>> 'tag': 'chargeback',
>>> 'minfraud_id': '2c69df73-01c0-45a5-b218-ed85f40b17aa',
>>> }
>>> client.report(transaction_report)
For asynchronous reporting:
>>> import asyncio
>>> from minfraud import AsyncClient
>>> async def report():
>>> async with AsyncClient(42, 'licensekey') as client
>>> transaction_report = {
>>> 'ip_address': '',
>>> 'tag': 'chargeback',
>>> 'minfraud_id': '2c69df73-01c0-45a5-b218-ed85f40b17aa',
>>> }
>>> await async_client.report(transaction_report)
>>> asyncio.run(report())
Python 3.9 or greater is required. Older versions are not supported.
The minFraud Python API uses Semantic Versioning.
Please report all issues with this code using the GitHub issue tracker.
If you are having an issue with a MaxMind service that is not specific to the client API, please contact MaxMind support for assistance.
Copyright and License¶
This software is Copyright © 2015-2025 by MaxMind, Inc.
This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
A client API to MaxMind’s minFraud Score and Insights web services.
This module contains the webservice client class.
- class minfraud.webservice.AsyncClient(account_id: int, license_key: str, host: str = 'minfraud.maxmind.com', locales: Sequence[str] = ('en',), timeout: float = 60, proxy: str | None = None)¶
Async client for accessing the minFraud web services.
Constructor for AsyncClient.
- Parameters:
account_id (int) – Your MaxMind account ID
license_key (str) – Your MaxMind license key
host (str) – The host to use when connecting to the web service.
locales (tuple[str]) – A tuple of locale codes to use in name property
timeout (float) – The timeout in seconds to use when waiting on the request. This sets both the connect timeout and the read timeout. The default is 60.
proxy – The URL of an HTTP proxy to use. It may optionally include a basic auth username and password, e.g.,
- Returns:
Client object
- Return type:
- async close() None ¶
Close underlying session.
This will close the session and any associated connections.
- async factors(transaction: dict[str, Any], validate: bool = True, hash_email: bool = False) Factors ¶
Query Factors endpoint with transaction data.
- Parameters:
transaction (dict) – A dictionary containing the transaction to be sent to the minFraud Factors web service as specified in the REST API documentation.
validate (bool) – If set to false, validation of the transaction dictionary will be disabled. This validation helps ensure that your request is correct before sending it to MaxMind. Validation raises an InvalidRequestError.
hash_email (bool) – By default, the email address is sent in plain text. If this is set to
, the email address will be normalized and converted to an MD5 hash before the request is sent. The email domain will continue to be sent in plain text.
- Returns:
A Factors model object
- Return type:
- Raises:
AuthenticationError, InsufficientFundsError, InvalidRequestError, HTTPError, MinFraudError,
- async insights(transaction: dict[str, Any], validate: bool = True, hash_email: bool = False) Insights ¶
Query Insights endpoint with transaction data.
- Parameters:
transaction (dict) –
A dictionary containing the transaction to be sent to the minFraud Insights web service as specified in the REST API documentation.
validate (bool) – If set to false, validation of the transaction dictionary will be disabled. This validation helps ensure that your request is correct before sending it to MaxMind. Validation raises an InvalidRequestError.
hash_email (bool) – By default, the email address is sent in plain text. If this is set to
, the email address will be normalized and converted to an MD5 hash before the request is sent. The email domain will continue to be sent in plain text.
- Returns:
An Insights model object
- Return type:
- Raises:
AuthenticationError, InsufficientFundsError, InvalidRequestError, HTTPError, MinFraudError,
- async report(report: dict[str, str | None], validate: bool = True) None ¶
Send a transaction report to the Report Transaction endpoint.
- Parameters:
report (dict) – A dictionary containing the transaction report to be sent to the Report Transations web service as specified in the REST API documentation <https://dev.maxmind.com/minfraud/report-a-transaction?lang=en>_.
validate (bool) – If set to false, validation of the report dictionary will be disabled. This validation helps ensure that your request is correct before sending it to MaxMind. Validation raises an InvalidRequestError.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- Raises:
AuthenticationError, InvalidRequestError, HTTPError, MinFraudError,
- async score(transaction: dict[str, Any], validate: bool = True, hash_email: bool = False) Score ¶
Query Score endpoint with transaction data.
- Parameters:
transaction (dict) –
A dictionary containing the transaction to be sent to the minFraud Score web service as specified in the REST API documentation.
validate (bool) – If set to false, validation of the transaction dictionary will be disabled. This validation helps ensure that your request is correct before sending it to MaxMind. Validation raises an InvalidRequestError.
hash_email (bool) – By default, the email address is sent in plain text. If this is set to
, the email address will be normalized and converted to an MD5 hash before the request is sent. The email domain will continue to be sent in plain text.
- Returns:
A Score model object
- Return type:
- Raises:
AuthenticationError, InsufficientFundsError, InvalidRequestError, HTTPError, MinFraudError,
- class minfraud.webservice.Client(account_id: int, license_key: str, host: str = 'minfraud.maxmind.com', locales: Sequence[str] = ('en',), timeout: float = 60, proxy: str | None = None)¶
Synchronous client for accessing the minFraud web services.
Constructor for Client.
- Parameters:
account_id (int) – Your MaxMind account ID
license_key (str) – Your MaxMind license key
host (str) – The host to use when connecting to the web service. By default, the client connects to the production host. However, during testing and development, you can set this option to ‘sandbox.maxmind.com’ to use the Sandbox environment’s host. The sandbox allows you to experiment with the API without affecting your production data.
locales (tuple[str]) – A tuple of locale codes to use in name property
timeout (float) – The timeout in seconds to use when waiting on the request. This sets both the connect timeout and the read timeout. The default is 60.
proxy – The URL of an HTTP proxy to use. It may optionally include a basic auth username and password, e.g.,
- Returns:
Client object
- Return type:
- close() None ¶
Close underlying session.
This will close the session and any associated connections.
- factors(transaction: dict[str, Any], validate: bool = True, hash_email: bool = False) Factors ¶
Query Factors endpoint with transaction data.
- Parameters:
transaction (dict) –
A dictionary containing the transaction to be sent to the minFraud Factors web service as specified in the REST API documentation.
validate (bool) – If set to false, validation of the transaction dictionary will be disabled. This validation helps ensure that your request is correct before sending it to MaxMind. Validation raises an InvalidRequestError.
hash_email (bool) – By default, the email address is sent in plain text. If this is set to
, the email address will be normalized and converted to an MD5 hash before the request is sent. The email domain will continue to be sent in plain text.
- Returns:
A Factors model object
- Return type:
- Raises:
AuthenticationError, InsufficientFundsError, InvalidRequestError, HTTPError, MinFraudError,
- insights(transaction: dict[str, Any], validate: bool = True, hash_email: bool = False) Insights ¶
Query Insights endpoint with transaction data.
- Parameters:
transaction (dict) –
A dictionary containing the transaction to be sent to the minFraud Insights web service as specified in the REST API documentation.
validate (bool) – If set to false, validation of the transaction dictionary will be disabled. This validation helps ensure that your request is correct before sending it to MaxMind. Validation raises an InvalidRequestError.
hash_email (bool) – By default, the email address is sent in plain text. If this is set to
, the email address will be normalized and converted to an MD5 hash before the request is sent. The email domain will continue to be sent in plain text.
- Returns:
An Insights model object
- Return type:
- Raises:
AuthenticationError, InsufficientFundsError, InvalidRequestError, HTTPError, MinFraudError,
- report(report: dict[str, str | None], validate: bool = True) None ¶
Send a transaction report to the Report Transaction endpoint.
- Parameters:
report (dict) – A dictionary containing the transaction report to be sent to the Report Transations web service as specified in the REST API documentation <https://dev.maxmind.com/minfraud/report-transaction/#Request_Body>_.
validate (bool) – If set to false, validation of the report dictionary will be disabled. This validation helps ensure that your request is correct before sending it to MaxMind. Validation raises an InvalidRequestError.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- Raises:
AuthenticationError, InvalidRequestError, HTTPError, MinFraudError,
- score(transaction: dict[str, Any], validate: bool = True, hash_email: bool = False) Score ¶
Query Score endpoint with transaction data.
- Parameters:
transaction (dict) –
A dictionary containing the transaction to be sent to the minFraud Score web service as specified in the REST API documentation.
validate (bool) – If set to false, validation of the transaction dictionary will be disabled. This validation helps ensure that your request is correct before sending it to MaxMind. Validation raises an InvalidRequestError.
hash_email (bool) – By default, the email address is sent in plain text. If this is set to
, the email address will be normalized and converted to an MD5 hash before the request is sent. The email domain will continue to be sent in plain text.
- Returns:
A Score model object
- Return type:
- Raises:
AuthenticationError, InsufficientFundsError, InvalidRequestError, HTTPError, MinFraudError,
This module contains models for the minFraud response object.
- class minfraud.models.BillingAddress(*, is_postal_in_city: bool | None = None, latitude: float | None = None, longitude: float | None = None, distance_to_ip_location: int | None = None, is_in_ip_country: bool | None = None, **_)¶
Information about the billing address.
- distance_to_ip_location¶
The distance in kilometers from the address to the IP location.
- Type:
int | None
- is_in_ip_country¶
This property is
if the address is in the IP country. The property isFalse
when the address is not in the IP country. If the address could not be parsed or was not provided or if the IP address could not be geolocated, the property will beNone
.- Type:
bool | None
- class minfraud.models.CreditCard(issuer: dict | None = None, country: str | None = None, brand: str | None = None, is_business: bool | None = None, is_issued_in_billing_address_country: bool | None = None, is_prepaid: bool | None = None, is_virtual: bool | None = None, type: str | None = None)¶
Information about the credit card based on the issuer ID number.
- country¶
This property contains the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code associated with the location of the majority of customers using this credit card as determined by their billing address. In cases where the location of customers is highly mixed, this defaults to the country of the bank issuing the card.
- Type:
str | None
- is_issued_in_billing_address_country¶
This property is true if the country of the billing address matches the country of the majority of customers using this credit card. In cases where the location of customers is highly mixed, the match is to the country of the bank issuing the card.
- Type:
bool | None
- class minfraud.models.Device(*, confidence: float | None = None, id: str | None = None, last_seen: str | None = None, local_time: str | None = None, **_)¶
Information about the device associated with the IP address.
In order to receive device output from minFraud Insights or minFraud Factors, you must be using the Device Tracking Add-on.
- confidence¶
This number represents our confidence that the
refers to a unique device as opposed to a cluster of similar devices. A confidence of 0.01 indicates very low confidence that the device is unique, whereas 99 indicates very high confidence.- Type:
float | None
- class minfraud.models.Disposition(*, action: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None, rule_label: str | None = None, **_)¶
Information about disposition for the request as set by custom rules.
In order to receive a disposition, you must be use the minFraud custom rules.
- action¶
The action to take on the transaction as defined by your custom rules. The current set of values are “accept”, “manual_review”, “reject”, and “test”. If you do not have custom rules set up,
will be returned.- Type:
str | None
- class minfraud.models.Email(domain: dict | None = None, first_seen: str | None = None, is_disposable: bool | None = None, is_free: bool | None = None, is_high_risk: bool | None = None)¶
Information about the email address passed in the request.
- domain¶
An object containing information about the email domain.
- Type:
- first_seen¶
A date string (e.g. 2017-04-24) to identify the date an email address was first seen by MaxMind. This is expressed using the ISO 8601 date format.
- Type:
str | None
- is_disposable¶
This field indicates whether the email is from a disposable email provider. It will be
when an email address was not passed in the inputs.- Type:
bool | None
- class minfraud.models.EmailDomain(*, first_seen: str | None = None, **_)¶
Information about the email domain passed in the request.
- class minfraud.models.Factors(locales: Sequence[str], *, billing_address: dict | None = None, billing_phone: dict | None = None, credit_card: dict | None = None, disposition: dict | None = None, funds_remaining: float, device: dict | None = None, email: dict | None = None, id: str, ip_address: dict | None = None, queries_remaining: int, risk_score: float, shipping_address: dict | None = None, shipping_phone: dict | None = None, subscores: dict | None = None, warnings: list[dict] | None = None, risk_score_reasons: list[dict] | None = None, **_)¶
Model for Factors response.
- id¶
This is a UUID that identifies the minFraud request. Please use this ID in bug reports or support requests to MaxMind so that we can easily identify a particular request.
- Type:
- funds_remaining¶
The approximate US dollar value of the funds remaining on your MaxMind account.
- Type:
- queries_remaining¶
The approximate number of queries remaining on this service before your account runs out of funds.
- Type:
- warnings¶
This tuple contains
objects detailing issues with the request that was sent such as invalid or unknown inputs. It is highly recommended that you check this array for issues when integrating the web service.- Type:
- risk_score¶
This property contains the risk score, from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk of fraud. For example, a score of 20 indicates a 20% chance that a transaction is fraudulent. We never return a risk score of 0, since all transactions have the possibility of being fraudulent. Likewise we never return a risk score of 100.
- Type:
- credit_card¶
object containing minFraud data about the credit card used in the transaction.- Type:
- device¶
object containing information about the device that MaxMind believes is associated with the IP address passed in the request.- Type:
- disposition¶
object containing the disposition for the request as set by custom rules.- Type:
- ip_address¶
object containing GeoIP2 and minFraud Insights information about the IP address.- Type:
- billing_address¶
object containing minFraud data related to the billing address used in the transaction.- Type:
- billing_phone¶
object containing minFraud data related to the billing phone used in the transaction.- Type:
- shipping_address¶
object containing minFraud data related to the shipping address used in the transaction.- Type:
- shipping_phone¶
object containing minFraud data related to the shipping phone used in the transaction.- Type:
- subscores¶
object containing scores for many of the individual risk factors that are used to calculate the overall risk score.Deprecated since version 2.12.0: Use RiskScoreReason instead.
- risk_score_reasons¶
This tuple contains
objects that describe risk score reasons for a given transaction that change the risk score significantly. Risk score reasons are usually only returned for medium to high risk transactions. If there were no significant changes to the risk score due to these reasons, then this tuple will be empty.- Type:
- class minfraud.models.GeoIP2Location(*args, **kwargs)¶
Location information for the IP address.
In addition to the attributes provided by
, this class provides:- local_time¶
The date and time of the transaction in the time zone associated with the IP address. The value is formatted according to RFC 3339. For instance, the local time in Boston might be returned as 2015-04-27T19:17:24-04:00.
- Type:
str | None
Contains data for the location record associated with an IP address.
This class contains the location data associated with an IP address.
This record is returned by
, andinsights
- average_income¶
The average income in US dollars associated with the requested IP address. This attribute is only available from the Insights end point.
- Type:
- accuracy_radius¶
The approximate accuracy radius in kilometers around the latitude and longitude for the IP address. This is the radius where we have a 67% confidence that the device using the IP address resides within the circle centered at the latitude and longitude with the provided radius.
- Type:
- latitude¶
The approximate latitude of the location associated with the IP address. This value is not precise and should not be used to identify a particular address or household.
- Type:
- longitude¶
The approximate longitude of the location associated with the IP address. This value is not precise and should not be used to identify a particular address or household.
- Type:
- metro_code¶
The metro code is a no-longer-maintained code for targeting advertisements in Google.
Deprecated since version 4.9.0.
- Type:
- population_density¶
The estimated population per square kilometer associated with the IP address. This attribute is only available from the Insights end point.
- Type:
- time_zone¶
The time zone associated with location, as specified by the IANA Time Zone Database, e.g., “America/New_York”.
- Type:
- class minfraud.models.IPAddress(locales: Sequence[str] | None, *, country: dict | None = None, location: dict | None = None, risk: float | None = None, risk_reasons: list[dict] | None = None, **kwargs)¶
Model for minFraud and GeoIP2 data about the IP address.
- risk¶
This field contains the risk associated with the IP address. The value ranges from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk.
- Type:
float | None
- risk_reasons¶
This tuple contains
objects identifying the reasons why the IP address received the associated risk. This will be an empty tuple if there are no reasons.- Type:
- city¶
City object for the requested IP address.
- Type:
- continent¶
Continent object for the requested IP address.
- Type:
- country¶
Country object for the requested IP address. This record represents the country where MaxMind believes the IP is located.
- Type:
- location¶
Location object for the requested IP address.
- Type:
- maxmind¶
Information related to your MaxMind account.
- Type:
- registered_country¶
The registered country object for the requested IP address. This record represents the country where the ISP has registered a given IP block in and may differ from the user’s country.
- Type:
- represented_country¶
Object for the country represented by the users of the IP address when that country is different than the country in
. For instance, the country represented by an overseas military base.
- subdivisions¶
Object (tuple) representing the subdivisions of the country to which the location of the requested IP address belongs.
- traits¶
Object with the traits of the requested IP address.
- class minfraud.models.IPRiskReason(code: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None)¶
Reason for the IP risk.
This class provides both a machine-readable code and a human-readable explanation of the reason for the IP risk score.
Although more codes may be added in the future, the current codes are:
- The IP address belongs to an anonymous network. See the object at->ipAddress->traits
- Many different billing postal codes have been seen on this IP address.EMAIL_VELOCITY
- Many different email addresses have been seen on this IP address.HIGH_RISK_DEVICE
- A high risk device was seen on this IP address.HIGH_RISK_EMAIL
- A high risk email address was seen on this IP address in your past transactions.ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_VELOCITY
- Many different issuer ID numbers have been seen on this IP address.MINFRAUD_NETWORK_ACTIVITY
- Suspicious activity has been seen on this IP address across minFraud customers.
- class minfraud.models.Insights(locales: Sequence[str], *, billing_address: dict | None = None, billing_phone: dict | None = None, credit_card: dict | None = None, device: dict | None = None, disposition: dict | None = None, email: dict | None = None, funds_remaining: float, id: str, ip_address: dict | None = None, queries_remaining: int, risk_score: float, shipping_address: dict | None = None, shipping_phone: dict | None = None, warnings: list[dict] | None = None, **_)¶
Model for Insights response.
- id¶
This is a UUID that identifies the minFraud request. Please use this ID in bug reports or support requests to MaxMind so that we can easily identify a particular request.
- Type:
- funds_remaining¶
The approximate US dollar value of the funds remaining on your MaxMind account.
- Type:
- queries_remaining¶
The approximate number of queries remaining on this service before your account runs out of funds.
- Type:
- warnings¶
This tuple contains
objects detailing issues with the request that was sent such as invalid or unknown inputs. It is highly recommended that you check this array for issues when integrating the web service.- Type:
- risk_score¶
This property contains the risk score, from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk of fraud. For example, a score of 20 indicates a 20% chance that a transaction is fraudulent. We never return a risk score of 0, since all transactions have the possibility of being fraudulent. Likewise we never return a risk score of 100.
- Type:
- credit_card¶
object containing minFraud data about the credit card used in the transaction.- Type:
- device¶
object containing information about the device that MaxMind believes is associated with the IP address passed in the request.- Type:
- disposition¶
object containing the disposition for the request as set by custom rules.- Type:
- ip_address¶
object containing GeoIP2 and minFraud Insights information about the IP address.- Type:
- billing_address¶
object containing minFraud data related to the billing address used in the transaction.- Type:
- billing_phone¶
object containing minFraud data related to the billing phone used in the transaction.- Type:
- shipping_address¶
object containing minFraud data related to the shipping address used in the transaction.- Type:
- class minfraud.models.Issuer(*, name: str | None = None, matches_provided_name: bool | None = None, phone_number: str | None = None, matches_provided_phone_number: bool | None = None, **_)¶
Information about the credit card issuer.
- matches_provided_name¶
This property is
if the name matches the name provided in the request for the card issuer. It isFalse
if the name does not match. The property isNone
if either no name or no issuer ID number (IIN) was provided in the request or if MaxMind does not have a name associated with the IIN.- Type:
bool | None
- phone_number¶
The phone number of the bank which issued the credit card. In some cases the phone number we return may be out of date.
- Type:
str | None
- matches_provided_phone_number¶
This property is
if the phone number matches the number provided in the request for the card issuer. It isFalse
if the number does not match. It isNone
if either no phone number or no issuer ID number (IIN) was provided in the request or if MaxMind does not have a phone number associated with the IIN.- Type:
bool | None
- class minfraud.models.Phone(*, country: str | None = None, is_voip: bool | None = None, network_operator: str | None = None, number_type: str | None = None, **_)¶
Information about the billing or shipping phone number.
- country¶
The two-character ISO 3166-1 country code for the country associated with the phone number.
- Type:
str | None
- is_voip¶
This property is
if the phone number is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) number allocated by a regulator. The property isFalse
when the number is not VoIP. If the phone number was not provided or we do not have data for it, the property will beNone
.- Type:
bool | None
- class minfraud.models.Reason(*, code: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None, **_)¶
The risk score reason for the multiplier.
This class provides both a machine-readable code and a human-readable explanation of the reason for the risk score.
Although more codes may be added in the future, the current codes are:
- Riskiness of the browser user-agent and language associated with the request.BUSINESS_ACTIVITY
- Riskiness of business activityassociated with the request.
- Riskiness of the country associated with the request.CUSTOMER_ID
- Riskiness of a customer’s activity.EMAIL_DOMAIN
- Riskiness of email domain.EMAIL_DOMAIN_NEW
- Riskiness of newly-sighted email domain.EMAIL_ADDRESS_NEW
- Riskiness of newly-sighted email address.EMAIL_LOCAL_PART
- Riskiness of the local part of the email address.EMAIL_VELOCITY
- Velocity on email - many requests on same email over short period of time.ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_COUNTRY_MISMATCH
- Riskiness of the country mismatch between IP, billing, shipping and IIN country.ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_ON_SHOP_ID
- Risk of Issuer ID Number for the shop ID.ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_LAST_DIGITS_ACTIVITY
- Riskiness of many recent requests and previous high-risk requests on the IIN and last digits of the credit card.ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_SHOP_ID_VELOCITY
- Risk of recent Issuer ID Number activity for the shop ID.INTRACOUNTRY_DISTANCE
- Risk of distance between IP, billing, and shipping location.ANONYMOUS_IP
- Risk due to IP being an Anonymous IP.IP_BILLING_POSTAL_VELOCITY
- Velocity of distinct billing postal code on IP address.IP_EMAIL_VELOCITY
- Velocity of distinct email address on IP address.IP_HIGH_RISK_DEVICE
- High-risk device sighted on IP address.IP_ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_VELOCITY
- Velocity of distinct IIN on IP address.IP_ACTIVITY
- Riskiness of IP based on minFraud network activity.LANGUAGE
- Riskiness of browser language.MAX_RECENT_EMAIL
- Riskiness of email address based on past minFraud risk scores on email.MAX_RECENT_PHONE
- Riskiness of phone number based on past minFraud risk scores on phone.MAX_RECENT_SHIP
- Riskiness of email address based on past minFraud risk scores on ship address.MULTIPLE_CUSTOMER_ID_ON_EMAIL
- Riskiness of email address having many customer IDs.ORDER_AMOUNT
- Riskiness of the order amount.ORG_DISTANCE_RISK
- Risk of ISP and distance between billing address and IP location.PHONE
- Riskiness of the phone number or related numbers.CART
- Riskiness of shopping cart contents.TIME_OF_DAY
- Risk due to local time of day.TRANSACTION_REPORT_EMAIL
- Risk due to transaction reports on the email address.TRANSACTION_REPORT_IP
- Risk due to transaction reports on the IP address.TRANSACTION_REPORT_PHONE
- Risk due to transaction reportson the phone number.
- Risk due to transaction reportson the shipping address.
- Riskiness of the email address based on minFraud network activity.PHONE_ACTIVITY
- Riskiness of the phone numberbased on minFraud network activity.
- Riskiness of ship address based on minFraud network activity.
- class minfraud.models.RiskScoreReason(*, multiplier: float, reasons: list | None = None, **_)¶
The risk score multiplier and the reasons for that multiplier.
- class minfraud.models.Score(*, disposition: dict | None = None, funds_remaining: float, id: str, ip_address: dict | None = None, queries_remaining: int, risk_score: float, warnings: list[dict] | None = None, **_)¶
Model for Score response.
- id¶
This is a UUID that identifies the minFraud request. Please use this ID in bug reports or support requests to MaxMind so that we can easily identify a particular request.
- Type:
- funds_remaining¶
The approximate US dollar value of the funds remaining on your MaxMind account.
- Type:
- queries_remaining¶
The approximate number of queries remaining on this service before your account runs out of funds.
- Type:
- warnings¶
This tuple contains
objects detailing issues with the request that was sent such as invalid or unknown inputs. It is highly recommended that you check this array for issues when integrating the web service.- Type:
- risk_score¶
This property contains the risk score, from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk of fraud. For example, a score of 20 indicates a 20% chance that a transaction is fraudulent. We never return a risk score of 0, since all transactions have the possibility of being fraudulent. Likewise we never return a risk score of 100.
- Type:
- disposition¶
object containing the disposition for the request as set by custom rules.- Type:
- ip_address¶
object containing IP address risk.- Type:
- class minfraud.models.ScoreIPAddress(*, risk: float | None = None, **_)¶
Information about the IP address for minFraud Score.
- class minfraud.models.ServiceWarning(*, code: str | None = None, warning: str | None = None, input_pointer: str | None = None, **_)¶
Warning from the web service.
- code¶
This value is a machine-readable code identifying the warning. See the web service documentation for the current list of of warning codes.
- Type:
str | None
- class minfraud.models.ShippingAddress(*, is_postal_in_city: bool | None = None, latitude: float | None = None, longitude: float | None = None, distance_to_ip_location: int | None = None, is_in_ip_country: bool | None = None, is_high_risk: bool | None = None, distance_to_billing_address: int | None = None, **_)¶
Information about the shipping address.
- distance_to_ip_location¶
The distance in kilometers from the address to the IP location.
- Type:
int | None
- is_in_ip_country¶
This property is
if the address is in the IP country. The property isFalse
when the address is not in the IP country. If the address could not be parsed or was not provided or if the IP address could not be geolocated, the property will beNone
.- Type:
bool | None
- is_postal_in_city¶
This property is
if the postal code provided with the address is in the city for the address. The property isFalse
when the postal code is not in the city. If the address was not provided, could not be parsed, or was not in USA, the property will beNone
.- Type:
bool | None
- class minfraud.models.Subscores(*, avs_result: float | None = None, billing_address: float | None = None, billing_address_distance_to_ip_location: float | None = None, browser: float | None = None, chargeback: float | None = None, country: float | None = None, country_mismatch: float | None = None, cvv_result: float | None = None, device: float | None = None, email_address: float | None = None, email_domain: float | None = None, email_local_part: float | None = None, email_tenure: float | None = None, ip_tenure: float | None = None, issuer_id_number: float | None = None, order_amount: float | None = None, phone_number: float | None = None, shipping_address: float | None = None, shipping_address_distance_to_ip_location: float | None = None, time_of_day: float | None = None, **_)¶
Risk factor scores used in calculating the overall risk score.
Deprecated since version 2.12.0: Use RiskScoreReason instead.
- avs_result¶
The risk associated with the AVS result. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- billing_address¶
The risk associated with the billing address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- billing_address_distance_to_ip_location¶
The risk associated with the distance between the billing address and the location for the given IP address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- browser¶
The risk associated with the browser attributes such as the User-Agent and Accept-Language. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- chargeback¶
Individualized risk of chargeback for the given IP address given for your account and any shop ID passed. This is only available to users sending chargeback data to MaxMind. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- country¶
The risk associated with the country the transaction originated from. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- country_mismatch¶
The risk associated with the combination of IP country, card issuer country, billing country, and shipping country. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- cvv_result¶
The risk associated with the CVV result. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- device¶
The risk associated with the device. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- email_address¶
The risk associated with the particular email address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- email_domain¶
The general risk associated with the email domain. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- email_local_part¶
The risk associated with the email address local part (the part of the email address before the @ symbol). If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- type:
float | None
- email_tenure¶
The risk associated with the issuer ID number on the email domain. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
Deprecated since version 1.8.0: Deprecated effective August 29, 2019. This risk factor score will default to 1 and will be removed in a future release. The user tenure on email is reflected in the email address risk factor score.
- ip_tenure¶
The risk associated with the issuer ID number on the IP address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
Deprecated since version 1.8.0: Deprecated effective August 29, 2019. This risk factor score will default to 1 and will be removed in a future release. The IP tenure is reflected in the overall risk score.
See also
- issuer_id_number¶
The risk associated with the particular issuer ID number (IIN) given the billing location and the history of usage of the IIN on your account and shop ID. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- order_amount¶
The risk associated with the particular order amount for your account and shop ID. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- phone_number¶
The risk associated with the particular phone number. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
- shipping_address¶
The risk associated with the shipping address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.
- Type:
float | None
This module contains errors that are raised by this package.
- exception minfraud.errors.AuthenticationError¶
There was a problem authenticating the request.
- exception minfraud.errors.HTTPError(message: str, http_status: int | None = None, uri: str | None = None, decoded_content: str | None = None)¶
There was an error when making your HTTP request.
This class represents an HTTP transport error. It extends
and adds attributes of its own.- http_status:
The HTTP status code returned
- Type:
- uri:
The URI queried
- Type:
- decoded_content:
The decoded response content
- Type:
- exception minfraud.errors.InsufficientFundsError¶
Your account is out of funds for the service queried.
- exception minfraud.errors.InvalidRequestError¶
The request was invalid.
- exception minfraud.errors.MinFraudError¶
There was a non-specific error in minFraud.
This class represents a generic error. It extends
and does not add any additional attributes.
- exception minfraud.errors.PermissionRequiredError¶
Your account does not have permission to access this service.
Indices and tables¶
- copyright:
© 2015-2025 by MaxMind, Inc.
- license:
Apache License, Version 2.0